Wednesday, June 25


If one is going to lower oneself enough to go to a fast-food restaurant, it should have the decency to be open.  Specifically, when one is working on a project at the office and has reached, at 2.30 a.m., that low point where greasy, immoral junk food is the only thing one could possibly consider consuming, the "drive-thru" at Mickey D's should be open.  Especially in a college town. Jeebus fuck, people.

It doesn't help, of course, when the grocery store across the street is not accepting cards due to "maintenance." Which leaves one with only gas station fare available on the entire campus side of town.

At least the proprietor of the filling station was the sweet one who plays his own techno when he works in the middle of the night.

Sunchips and NutterButters rock.