Tuesday, June 10

I really do wish

...my housemates would stop holding their nightly chant-and-channel sessions. I can't tell what they're actually doing, or what they think they're doing, but what I do know is: they will go into a room and shut the door, sometimes turn on a recording of a woman speaking and/or sing a song, then either the guys will start chanting a sentence over and over while the girl speaks more brokenly and cries, or they will all start chanting. I don't know how or in what way the sessions conclude, because by that time I will have either left the house or gone upstairs to where I can't hear them. 

I can't tell if any or all of them is speaking in tongues at any one point, because they normally speak an Asiatic language (that I don't speak). Two of them have been living here since December, and the third just moved in two weeks ago, just a few days before they started doing this.

Hypothesis: they're channeling spirits, they're speaking in tongues and/or they need three people for this ritual. Questions: what the fuck are they doing? Why are they doing it? And why the hell can't I move out any sooner than July 31?

...I could pick a goal (or even some goals, I'm willing to keep track of multiple goals) and stick to it.  For longer than three days.

'Cos I am great at planning. A diet, an exercise program, a blog, a staff schedule, a party, an extreme lifestyle change, a camping trip...I rock at planning, okay? It's the follow-through that trips me up.

I have goals. I want to eat all organic, read a new nonfiction book every week, get fit enough to run an easy three miles...do I really need to continue? Everyone has these goals, piled up behind closet doors and stacked on coffee tables. I don't know if it's just that I feel guiltier than most, or I expect more of myself or what, but I really do want to stick to some goals once in a while.

...I could do all these wicked DYI projects I want to do.  Unfortunately, I can't, either because I don't own a property or I don't have the money to put into it. I hate living somewhere where there are things about the house that I want to fix or improve, but I can't (or shouldn't, anyway) because they aren't my responsibility.

Up there on my list right now: alternative energy devices (particularly solar panels and wind turbines), remodeling a bathroom, building room-full (erm...houseful, probably) of shelves that serve both the kitty-lover and bibliophile in me and creating an elegant piece of erotic furniture.